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1984-1993 Saleen Mustang For the Fox platform Saleen Mustang. Be sure to specify year, model and equipment if asking for help.

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Old 11-10-2011
Fletch273 Fletch273 is offline
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Q: Clifford alarm system removal?

i have an 87 saleen mustang #85 that i bought on this site a few months back. i havent really done much to it besides cleaning some parts and things like that. the first time i attached the battery the alarm went off and i dont have the key fob. i either need to buy a new one, which i wouldnt know how to get to work, n then fix the system, or remove it. im leaning more towards the removal because i dont have the like $100 to buy a new key fob that i wouldnt know how to use. if anyone knows of any cheap but reliable key fobs and how to set them up or if anyone knows how to remove the system so i can actually get my car running it would be really helpful.
thanks! =)

Last edited by Fletch273; 05-05-2012 at 04:39 PM.
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Old 11-11-2011
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I would vote for removing the alarm.

My 1985 1/2 Mustang SVO had a security device added to it when new. Sometime in the late 1990s we removed the system and traced the spliced factory wiring. It was fairly easy, but time consuming. Same can be said when the aftermarket stereo was removed. Scrap dash harness from an 1986 LX in the Pick-Your-Part yard and a Ford Service Manual were all that was needed... plus time.
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Old 11-12-2011
calbear calbear is offline
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Look on ebay or contact the company that took over Clifford. If it's functional, why not use it? You may end up doing more damage trying to remove it.

Clifford alarms were pretty unsophisticated back then. The key fob only disarmed the alarm (didn't lock or unlock doors) or if you manually wanted to arm it. Single button.
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Old 11-12-2011
calbear calbear is offline
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Look on ebay or contact the company that took over Clifford. If it's functional, why not use it? You may end up doing more damage trying to remove it.

Clifford alarms were pretty unsophisticated back then. The key fob only disarmed the alarm (didn't lock or unlock doors) or if you manually wanted to arm it. Single button.
87-0116 owner
former Saleen Autosport Anaheim Hills employee
89 Saleen Mustang and SSC production line
Specialist: body work assembly, decals, detailing
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alarm removal, clifford, fixing an alarm, key fob

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