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1984-1993 Saleen Mustang For the Fox platform Saleen Mustang. Be sure to specify year, model and equipment if asking for help.

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Old 04-10-2009
Swish Swish is offline
Saleen Forums Registrant
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Cranston, RI
Posts: 4
Default Stolen: 88-0544 Red Hatchback

Hey All,

I hate for this to be my introduction to everyone but I am trying to spread the word. My 88 Saleen #544 was stolen from my apartment complex on Saturday morning. The thieves must have done alot of watching as they came in right after I went to work, they came with a battery as it did not have one or a tow, and they brought brass balls with them to take it at about 9am from a packed parking lot. Unfortunately I did not get back from work til 7pm that evening and at that point, I'm sure the car is long gone.

This car had serious sentimental attachment to me, my father bought the car new and I inherited it back in 2005 when he passed away. I learned how to drive a stick on this car (and being on a rebuilt tranny, it shows), I even learned how to do a burnout/brake stance in this car. This was my baby and I'd been saving a little bit of money, til the market crashed, to have her repainted and replace some tired parts. It was a rare combination too with the Red on Red hatchback, a sunroof, 3.55's, and the stick. According to Saleen in 2005 it was one of only 12 Saleens with the red gut and the only one with the sunroof. Obviously with the new red interiors, I'm sure that number has changed.

Either way, I just needed to share my pain somewhere. Hopefully one day in the future I'll be able to get another one, someday.

Location: Cranston, RI
VIN: 1FABP41E6JF264382
Miles: Approx 67k
PD: Cranston Police Department: Det. John Ryan - 401-942-2211 x.5066
It did not have the ID number on the front bumper anymore
The spoiler had a crack right along the edge of it
The Pass side exhaust tip had melted into the edge of the cutout in rear valance
The Driver headlight was severly rusted and nonfunctional
Small scuff on pass side of front bumper, right by the start of stripping below headlight
It did not have the center caps on the wheels
The pass seat was not aligned properly and had somewhat of a lean to it.
Black marks in the lower rear glass where an amplifier I once had rubbed against the glass.
The rear hatch did not stay open, the struts were shot.
It had Koni Yellow series installed, not the original Monroe system
It also had a brighter red pinstriping

As I said, just passing along more info to anyone I can. I've been calling all local shops trying to put the word out, but who knows if its local. I know that the red flofit interior is one of 6 made according to Liz at Saleen. I hope that helps me find this car, I just want it back.

Thanks All
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