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1984-1993 Saleen Mustang For the Fox platform Saleen Mustang. Be sure to specify year, model and equipment if asking for help.

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Old 06-11-2021
mmv.89saleen mmv.89saleen is offline
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Default Pioneer keh 8050 access code

To all Saleen owners, who still have their original Keh 8050 stereo units, I would like to ask if you have access to the radio code which is normally 5 numbers. If so, were you provided this information on a card or was a sticker placed somewhere in the vehicle. My issue is that I do not have my code and cannot activate the radio stereo unit because of a power failure due to car battery. Pioneer support is of no use. Is it possible that Steve Saleen and company back in the day saved this type of information in its build information. As of right now, my stereo unit will not function. I am still working on finding a repair facility that will assist us all with these older units. Having a access code is essential for these units. All shared information will be appreciated.

Mark Vasquez
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Old 08-02-2022
Stereo068 Stereo068 is offline
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The Pioneer KEH-8050 radio when shipped new does not need a code it is the user that sets the 4 digit code 1-0 and DIR/Play enters the code you get 3 trys then Err is displayed no more codes can be accepted until left powered on for 3 hours then it will accept another 3 ... The only way to reset it is to replace the EEPROM soldiered in the unit it's 8 pin DIP with a part number PDG or PDH 011.
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