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1984-1993 Saleen Mustang For the Fox platform Saleen Mustang. Be sure to specify year, model and equipment if asking for help.

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Old 07-09-2016
SA10#04 SA10#04 is offline
SOEC Member
Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: East TN
Posts: 94
Default 90-91 SC and 92-93 Strut Braces

I have several of these braces available for purchase. I needed one for my project and over the course of three years have worked with the original supplier to get one made. To get this one made I had to purchase 20 total. In conversations with SC and 92-93 owners I had 10 made without holes so that the cars that have strut braces missing can mark the brace and drill holes in it to match the car. Many of these are already spoken for as I've coordinated with some SC owners prior to getting these made. Some of the ones with holes are spoken for as well.

The price has increased significantly as they are $260 shipped with no hardware and in bare metal. Expect West coast shipping to be in the $35-$40 range and East coast to be in the $25-$30 range which includes boxes and packing. These are large pieces. I can provide details on the hardware that can be purchased at any local hardware store.

Some common questions about these.
1. Will the mounting holes line up with the 87-89 brace.
Answer: No. These are a different style brace and new holes will have to be drilled for them to fit on an 87-89 car.
2. Will this brace clear a Saleen intake?
Answer: Yes. This style brace will clear all versions of the Saleen intake. The early SC intakes will be close to the brace that runs from the driver strut tower to the firewall but should clear.
3. Will this brace clear a Vortech supercharger setup?
Answer: Yes. This brace is designed to clear the Vortech discharge tube. It was also designed to clear the Pro M mass air setup on 90 and 91 SC's.
4. How was this brace made?
Answer: It was built on an original jig used to make the brace for Saleen when they were used in production. So it is identical in structure to the original. Some modern techniques were used to build the individual pieces.

I have 4 available without holes and 8 with holes right now.

Maybe Dave and Greg can help make this a sticky and let people know these are available.
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SA10 #4 Chassis

Last edited by SA10#04; 09-01-2016 at 04:45 PM.
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